Options As A Trading Tool
Options As A Trading Tool Options are financial instruments used for hedging against adverse price movements in the underlying asset class like index, stock or forex. However they're widely used as instruments for speculation by traders all over the world. The total turnover of options is far higher than the actual turnover of the underlying which reinstates the importance and popularity of the options . Options trading can be very rewarding if done properly and with right risk management . You will find hundreds of articles on the technicalities and terminologies of options on the internet. In this article I will try to focus on the positive sides of options rather than providing definitions of terms like calls, puts, strike price, moneyness etc. If you want to learn them simply google or you can check out my YouTube channel https://tinyurl.com/tradetogether for video on option basics. Why will I trade options: 1. Options can be bought with almost one tenth of margin req...