Why market is falling?

Everyone in the market has the same question that what is happening, why is share market going down and how much more will it go down ?
Nifty in last two weeks has fallen 1000 points after making high of 12000 to 11000,
Why this happened?
Well I will tell you here why it happened and what should you do in this situation.

It all started after the SEBI announcement of tighthens the regulation of mutual funds.

Earlier mutual funds such as large cap mutual funds use to invest in mid and small caps to get high gains, people who where the invester in such mutual funds use to think there money is safe in large cap but mutual fund manager to get good profit use to take risk and invest in mid and small cap companies. Due to this valuation of mid cap and small cap stock was high , and after the announcement of SEBI, mutual fund manager where forced to sell the mid cap and small cap stocks, and invest there money in large cap stock which leads to increase in price of large cap companies.

Large cap companies valuation was high and it only needed few negative news to come down and it came in form of BUDGET 2019. Higher tax on high income class, was negative news especially for foreign institutional investors and they started to take their money out of India share market, due to this market started to fall and retail investors seeing market falling , they also started to see there stocks

This all were the reason for market to fall, now the question is how much more it will fall and what should a retail investor should do right now?
Well here is the answer for you, just imagine what would big investors like mr Rakesh jhunjhunwaal, mr Warren Buffett would have done , would they be Investing more in such situations or would they be taking there money out of market?
I hope everyone has got there answer ,
This could be your chance to buy stocks when they are at low prices , your chance be create wealth for your future.

We all know India is heading towards 5 trillion dollars economy and we don't want to miss the opportunity to get benift of this, market is in correction mode right now and it may last for few more days but it could be start of something very big and believe me no one want to miss the opportunity to be part of that.


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